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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: whiff
1. whiff [ Synonyms: puff, puff of air]
A short light gust of air
ہوا کا جہونکا۔
2. whiff
A lefteye flounder found in coastal waters from New England to Brazil
3. whiff
A strikeout resulting from the batter swinging at and missing the ball for the third strike
Verb: whiff
1. whiff [ Synonyms: sniff]
Perceive by inhaling through the nose
"sniff the perfume";
ناک کے ذریعے سانس کو اندر لینا اور سونگنا۔
2. whiff
Drive or carry as if by a puff of air
"The gust of air whiffed away the clouds";
3. whiff
Strike out by swinging and missing the pitch charged as the third
4. whiff [ Synonyms: puff]
Smoke and exhale strongly
"puff a cigar"; "whiff a pipe";
سانس لینا۔
دہواں وغیرہ نکالنا۔
5. whiff
Utter with a puff of air
"whiff out a prayer";

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