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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
stake Urdu meaning

Noun: stake
1. stake [ Synonyms: interest]
(law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something
"they have interests all over the world"; "a stake in the company's future";
کاروباری مفاد۔
2. stake [ Synonyms: post]
A pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track)
"a pair of posts marked the goal"; "the corner of the lot was indicated by a stake";
3. stake
Instrument of execution consisting of a vertical post that a victim is tied to for burning
4. stake [ Synonyms: bet, stakes, wager]
The money risked on a gamble
شرط پر لگا مال۔
داو پر لگی رقم۔
5. stake
A strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground
Verb: stake
1. stake [ Synonyms: adventure, hazard, jeopardize, venture]
Put at risk
"I will stake my good reputation for this";
خطرے میں ڈالنا۔
داو پر لگانا۔
2. stake [ Synonyms: back, bet on, gage, game, punt]
Place a bet on
"Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse";
شرط لگانا۔
جوا کھیلنا۔
3. stake [ Synonyms: post]
Mark with a stake
"stake out the path";
4. stake
Tie or fasten to a stake
"stake your goat";
کہونٹے سے باندھنا۔
5. stake [ Synonyms: impale]
Kill by piercing with a spear or sharp pole
"the enemies were impaled and left to die";
جسم میں تیز میخیں گاڑ کر مارنا۔

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March 25, 2025
- influence by slyness
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