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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
travel Urdu meaning
Verb Forms: (travel, travelled, travelling)

Noun: travel
1. travel [ Synonyms: traveling, travelling]
The act of going from one place to another
"he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel";
ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ جانے کا عمل۔
2. travel [ Synonyms: change of location]
A movement through space that changes the location of something
ہوائی سفر۔
3. travel [ Synonyms: locomotion]
Self-propelled movement
Verb: travel
1. travel [ Synonyms: go, locomote, move]
Change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically
"How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast";
سفر کرنا۔
2. travel [ Synonyms: journey]
Undertake a journey or trip
3. travel [ Synonyms: jaunt, trip]
Make a trip for pleasure
سفر کرنا۔
سیر کرنا۔
4. travel [ Synonyms: journey]
Travel upon or across
"travel the oceans";
5. travel
Undergo transportation as in a vehicle
"We travelled North on Rte. 508";
6. travel [ Synonyms: move around]
Travel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge

Lexical Analysis


Generic Words:

Specific Words:
accompany, advance, air, air travel, angle, arise, ascend, ascension, ascent, automobile, aviation, back, bang, be adrift, beetle, belt along, betake oneself, billow, blow, bounce, brachiation, breeze, bucket along, cannonball along, caravan, career, carry, cast, change, circle, circuit, circulate, circulation, circumnavigation, come, come down, come up, commutation, commute, commuting, continue, crank, crawl, crawling, creep, creeping, crossing, cruise, dance step, derail, descend, descent, do, drag, draw, draw back, drift, drive, driving, ease, entering, entrance, err, fall, ferry, float, flock, flow, flowing, fly, follow, forge, gait, get about, get around, ghost, glide, globe-trot, go around, go by, go down, go forward, go on, go past, go up, gravitation, hasten, hie, hiss, hop, horseback riding, hotfoot, hurry, hurtle, island hop, itinerate, jog, jounce, journey, journeying, jump, junket, junketeer, junketing, lance, lap, lead, leg, levitation, lift, lope, lurch, march on, meander, motor, move around, move back, move on, move up, navigate, on the road, on tour, outflank, overfly, pace, pan, pass, pass by, pass on, pass over, pelt along, peregrinate, peregrination, play, plough, plow, ply, prance, precede, precess, proceed, progress, progression, propagate, pull away, pull back, pursue, push, race, raft, ramble, range, recede, repair, resort, retire, retreat, retrograde, return, ride, riding, rise, rising, roam, roll, round, rove, roving, run, running, rush, rush along, sail, scramble, seafaring, seek, shack, ship, shuttle, sift, sit, ski, sledge, slice into, slice through, slide, slither, snowshoe, speed, spirt, spread, spreading, spurt, stage, staging, stampede, steam, steamer, step, step on it, stray, stroke, surpass, swan, swap, swash, swim, swing, take the air, taxi, thread, tour, trail, tram, tramp, transfer, translation, travel, travel along, travel by, travel purposefully, travel rapidly, travel to, traversal, traverse, tread, trek, trot, trundle, turn, uprise, vagabond, vagabondage, visit, voyage, walk, walking, wander, wandering, water travel, wayfaring, weave, wend, wheel, whine, whish, whisk, whistle, whoosh, wind, wing, withdraw, zigzag, zip, zoom

Word of the day

March 29, 2025
- treat badly
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