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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

pass on

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: pass on
1. pass on [ Synonyms: give, hand, pass, reach, turn over]
Place into the hands or custody of
"hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers";
2. pass on [ Synonyms: give, impart, leave]
Transmit (knowledge or skills)
"give a secret to the Russians"; "leave your name and address here"; "impart a new skill to the students";
معلومات مہیا کرنا۔
3. pass on [ Synonyms: advance, go on, march on, move on, progress]
Move forward, also in the metaphorical sense
"Time marches on";
4. pass on
Give to or transfer possession of
"She passed the family jewels on to her daughter-in-law";
5. pass on [ Synonyms: relegate, submit]
Refer to another person for decision or judgment
"She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues";
6. pass on [ Synonyms: circulate, distribute, pass around]
Cause to be distributed
"This letter is being circulated among the faculty";
7. pass on [ Synonyms: communicate, pass, pass along, put across]
Transmit information
"Please communicate this message to all employees"; "pass along the good news";
اطلاع دینا۔

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