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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

turn over

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: turn over
1. turn over [ Synonyms: give, hand, pass, pass on, reach]
Place into the hands or custody of
"hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers";
2. turn over [ Synonyms: bowl over, knock over, overturn, tip over, tump over, upset]
Cause to overturn from an upright or normal position
"The cat knocked over the flower vase"; "the clumsy customer turned over the vase"; "he tumped over his beer";
الٹ دینا۔
3. turn over [ Synonyms: roll]
Move by turning over or rotating
"The child rolled down the hill"; "turn over on your left side";
4. turn over [ Synonyms: cut into, delve, dig]
Turn up, loosen, or remove earth
"Dig we must"; "turn over the soil for aeration";
زمین سے نکالنا ۔
تحقیق کرنا۔
5. turn over
Do business worth a certain amount of money
"The company turns over ten million dollars a year";
6. turn over [ Synonyms: turn]
Cause to move around a center so as to show another side of
"turn a page of a book";
7. turn over [ Synonyms: overturn, tip over, tump over]
Turn from an upright or normal position
"The big vase overturned"; "The canoe tumped over";
8. turn over [ Synonyms: flip, flip over]
Turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse
"flip over the pork chop"; "turn over the pancakes";
الٹا کرنا۔
9. turn over [ Synonyms: consider, debate, deliberate, moot]
Think about carefully; weigh
"They considered the possibility of a strike"; "Turn the proposal over in your mind";
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March 28, 2025
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