1. draw in [ Synonyms: retract] | |
Pull inward or towards a center
"The pilot drew in the landing gear"; "The cat retracted his claws";
پیچھے یا اندر موڑ لینا جیسے پنجوں کو۔ |
2. draw in [ Synonyms: attract, draw, pull, pull in] | |
Direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes
"Her good looks attract the stares of many men"; "The ad pulled in many potential customers"; "This pianist pulls huge crowds"; "The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers";
لبھانا۔ کھینچنا۔ |
3. draw in [ Synonyms: close in] | |
Advance or converge on
"The police were closing in on him";
4. draw in [ Synonyms: get in, move in, pull in] | |
Of trains; move into (a station)
"The bullet train drew into Tokyo Station";
5. draw in [ Synonyms: suck in] | |
Draw in as if by suction
"suck in your cheeks and stomach";
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