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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
healthy Urdu meaning
  Adjectives: (healthier,healthiest)

Adjective: healthy
1. healthy
Financially secure and functioning well
"a healthy economy";
مضبوط معاشی حالت۔
2. healthy [ Synonyms: good for you, salubrious]
Promoting health; healthful
"a healthy diet"; "clean healthy air"; "plenty of healthy sleep"; "healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy"; "the salubrious mountain air and water"; "carrots are good for you";
صحت بخش۔
3. healthy [ Synonyms: intelligent, level-headed, levelheaded, sound]
Exercising or showing good judgment
"healthy scepticism"; "a healthy fear of rattlesnakes"; "the healthy attitude of French laws"; "healthy relations between labor and management"; "an intelligent solution"; "a sound approach to the problem"; "sound advice"; "no sound explanation for his decision";
دماغی طور پر متوازن۔
4. healthy [ Synonyms: goodish, goodly, hefty, respectable, sizable, sizeable, tidy]
Large in amount or extent or degree
"it cost a considerable amount"; "a goodly amount"; "received a hefty bonus"; "a respectable sum"; "a tidy sum of money"; "a sizable fortune";
بڑا ۔
بہت زیادہ ۔
5. healthy
Having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease
"a rosy healthy baby"; "staying fit and healthy";
صحت مند۔

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