1. hearty | |
Showing warm and heartfelt friendliness
"gave us a cordial reception"; "a hearty welcome";
پرتپاک۔ پرجوش۔ |
2. hearty [ Synonyms: satisfying, solid, square, substantial] | |
Providing abundant nourishment
"a hearty meal"; "good solid food"; "ate a substantial breakfast"; "four square meals a day";
3. hearty [ Synonyms: full-blooded, lusty, red-blooded] | |
Endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health
"a hearty glow of health";
سرخ و سفید۔ طاقتور۔ |
4. hearty | |
Consuming abundantly and with gusto
"a hearty (or healthy) appetite";
5. hearty | |
Without reservation
"hearty support";
بے تکلفی سے۔ کھل کر۔ |
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