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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: reverberate
1. reverberate [ Synonyms: echo, resound, ring]
Ring or echo with sound
"the hall resounded with laughter";
2. reverberate
Have a long or continuing effect
"The discussions with my teacher reverberated throughout my adult life";
3. reverberate
Be reflected as heat, sound, or light or shock waves
"the waves reverberate as far away as the end of the building";
4. reverberate [ Synonyms: reflect]
To throw or bend back (from a surface)
"Sound is reflected well in this auditorium";
مڑ کر واپس آنا۔
5. reverberate [ Synonyms: bounce, bound, rebound, recoil, resile, ricochet, spring, take a hop]
Spring back; spring away from an impact
"The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide";
اچٹنے کا عمل۔
واپس اچھلنا۔
6. reverberate
Treat, process, heat, melt, or refine in a reverberatory furnace
"reverberate ore";

Word of the day

March 26, 2025
- the rear part of a ship
پوپ ۔ جَہاز کا پِچھلا حِصّہ ۔ دُنبالَہ ۔ جَہاز کا پِچھلا عَرشَہ ۔ دُنبالے پَر ايک ہُجرہ
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