1. skip | |
A gait in which steps and hops alternate
2. skip [ Synonyms: omission] | |
A mistake resulting from neglect
بھول۔ چوک۔ |
1. skip [ Synonyms: jump, pass over, skip over] | |
"He skipped a row in the text and so the sentence was incomprehensible";
بائی پاس۔ |
2. skip [ Synonyms: cut] | |
Intentionally fail to attend
"cut class";
3. skip [ Synonyms: hop, hop-skip] | |
Jump lightly
آرام سے کودنا۔ ہلکے ہلکے اچھلنا۔ |
4. skip [ Synonyms: decamp, vamoose] | |
Leave suddenly
"She persuaded him to decamp"; "skip town";
اچانک چہوڑدینا۔ فرار ہو جانا۔ چہوڑ جانا۔ |
5. skip [ Synonyms: bound off] | |
Bound off one point after another
6. skip [ Synonyms: skim, skitter] | |
Cause to skip over a surface
"Skip a stone across the pond";
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