1. rap [ Synonyms: blame] | |
A reproach for some lapse or misdeed
"he took the blame for it"; "it was a bum rap";
2. rap [ Synonyms: strike, tap] | |
A gentle blow
3. rap [ Synonyms: pat, tap] | |
The sound made by a gentle blow
تھپکی کی آواز۔ |
4. rap | |
Voluble conversation
بات چیت کرنا۔ گپ شپ لگانا۔ |
5. rap [ Synonyms: hip-hop, rap music] | |
Genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged
6. rap [ Synonyms: belt, knock, whack, whang] | |
The act of hitting vigorously
"he gave the table a whack";
شدید ضرب۔ دستک دینا۔ پیٹنے کا عمل۔ مارنا۔ ڈھب ڈھب کرنا۔ کسی چیز پر مارنا۔ |
1. rap [ Synonyms: knap] | |
Strike sharply
"rap him on the knuckles";
توڑنا۔ جلدی سے مارنا۔ چٹخانا۔ |
2. rap [ Synonyms: knock, pink, tap] | |
Make light, repeated taps on a surface
"he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently";
بجانا۔ مارنا۔ |
3. rap | |
Perform rap music
4. rap | |
Talk volubly
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