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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: sensation
1. sensation [ Synonyms: aesthesis, esthesis, sense datum, sense experience, sense impression]
An unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation
"a sensation of touch";
2. sensation [ Synonyms: ace, adept, champion, genius, hotshot, maven, mavin, star, superstar, virtuoso, whiz, whizz, wiz, wizard]
Someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
بہت مشہور ہستی۔
خصوصاً تفریحات کی دُنیا سے تعلق رکھنے والا ستارہ۔
3. sensation
A general feeling of excitement and heightened interest
"anticipation produced in me a sensation somewhere between hope and fear";
4. sensation
A state of widespread public excitement and interest
"the news caused a sensation";
5. sensation [ Synonyms: sense, sensory faculty, sentience, sentiency]
The faculty through which the external world is apprehended
"in the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing";

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- not clearly expressed or understood
واضح طور پر ظاہر یا نہ سمجھا
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