1. drone | |
Stingless male bee in a colony of social bees (especially honeybees) whose sole function is to mate with the queen
شہد کی نر مکھی۔ نر مکھی۔ |
2. drone [ Synonyms: droning, monotone] | |
An unchanging intonation
3. drone [ Synonyms: dawdler, laggard, lagger, poke, trailer] | |
Someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind
۔ پیچھے رہ جانے والا ۔ |
4. drone [ Synonyms: pilotless aircraft, radio-controlled aircraft] | |
An aircraft without a pilot that is operated by remote control
بغیر پائلٹ کا ہوائی جہاز ۔ |
5. drone [ Synonyms: bourdon, drone pipe] | |
A pipe of the bagpipe that is tuned to produce a single continuous tone
موسيقی: بين کے نِچلے سُر کی لے ۔۔ |
1. drone | |
Make a monotonous low dull sound
"The harmonium was droning on";
2. drone [ Synonyms: drone on] | |
Talk in a monotonous voice
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