1. splosh [ Synonyms: slosh, slush, splash] | |
Make a splashing sound
"water was splashing on the floor";
2. splosh [ Synonyms: slop, slosh, splash, squelch, squish] | |
Walk through mud or mire
"We had to splosh across the wet meadow";
کیچڑ یا دلدل میں سے گُزر کر جانا۔ |
3. splosh [ Synonyms: splash, sprinkle] | |
Cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force
"She splashed the water around her";
پانی میں چھپ چھپ کرنا۔ چھپاکے مارنا۔ |
4. splosh [ Synonyms: plash, spatter, splash, splatter, swash] | |
Dash a liquid upon or against
"The mother splashed the baby's face with water";
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