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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
Salt Urdu meaning

Adjective: Salt
1. Salt
(of speech) painful or bitter
"salt scorn"; "a salt apology";
Noun: Salt
1. Salt
A compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal (or a radical that acts like a metal)
2. Salt [ Synonyms: common salt, table salt]
White crystalline form of especially sodium chloride used to season and preserve food
3. Salt [ Synonyms: salinity, saltiness]
The taste experience when common salt is taken into the mouth
Verb: Salt
1. Salt
Add salt to
2. Salt
Sprinkle as if with salt
"the rebels had salted the fields with mines and traps";
3. Salt
Add zest or liveliness to
"She salts her lectures with jokes";
4. Salt
Preserve with salt
"people used to salt meats on ships";

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