1. accessory [ Synonyms: accessary] | |
Aiding and abetting in a crime
"he was charged with being accessory to the crime";
2. accessory [ Synonyms: adjunct, adjuvant, ancillary, appurtenant, auxiliary] | |
Furnishing added support
"an ancillary pump"; "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism"; "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other";
امدادی۔ معاون۔ مددگار۔ |
1. accessory [ Synonyms: accouterment, accoutrement] | |
Clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
لوازمات۔ تزئين کاری کا عمل ۔ سازوسامان۔ |
2. accessory [ Synonyms: add-on, appurtenance, supplement] | |
A supplementary component that improves capability
بہتر کرنے والی اضافی شے۔ لازمہ۔ |
3. accessory [ Synonyms: accessary] | |
Someone who helps another person commit a crime
مجرم کا مدد گار۔ |
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