1. ache [ Synonyms: aching] | |
A dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain
درد۔ |
1. ache [ Synonyms: hurt, suffer] | |
Feel physical pain
"Were you hurting after the accident?";
درد محسوس کرنا۔ |
2. ache [ Synonyms: languish, pine, yearn, yen] | |
Have a desire for something or someone who is not present
"She ached for a cigarette"; "I am pining for my lover";
شدید خواہش یا آرزو۔ جو چیز موجود نہ ہو اس کی خواہش ہونا۔ |
3. ache [ Synonyms: hurt, smart] | |
Be the source of pain
درد کا باعث ہونا۔ |
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