1. assuage [ Synonyms: appease, conciliate, gentle, gruntle, lenify, mollify, pacify, placate] | |
Cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
"She managed to mollify the angry customer";
ٹھنڈا کرنا
۔ منانا۔ |
2. assuage [ Synonyms: allay, quench, slake] | |
Satisfy (thirst)
"The cold water quenched his thirst";
پیاس بجھانا
۔ پیاس دور کرنا ۔ |
3. assuage [ Synonyms: alleviate, palliate, relieve] | |
Provide physical relief, as from pain
"This pill will relieve your headaches";
شدت کم کرنا۔ تکلیف دور کرنا۔ دردکم کرنا۔ درد سے نجات ملنا۔ آرام دینا۔ مرض کی شدت کو کم کرنا۔ |
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