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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: better
1. better
More than half
"argued for the better part of an hour";
Noun: better
1. better
Something superior in quality or condition or effect
"a change for the better";
2. better [ Synonyms: bettor, punter, wagerer]
Someone who bets
شرط لگانے والا۔
بازی یا شرط لگانے والا۔
جوا لگانا۔
3. better
A superior person having claim to precedence
"the common man has been kept in his place by his betters";
4. better
The superior one of two alternatives
"chose the better of the two";
زیادہ بہتر۔
Verb: better
1. better [ Synonyms: break]
Surpass in excellence
"She bettered her own record"; "break a record";
2. better [ Synonyms: ameliorate, amend, improve, meliorate]
To make better
"The editor improved the manuscript with his changes";
بہتر بنانا۔
درست کرنا۔
3. better [ Synonyms: ameliorate, improve, meliorate]
Get better
"The weather improved toward evening";
بہتر ہونا۔
Adverb: better
1. better [ Synonyms: best]
From a position of superiority or authority
"father knows best"; "I know better.";

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