1. biyearly [ Synonyms: biennial] | |
Occurring every second year
"they met at biennial conventions";
ہر دو سال بعد۔ |
2. biyearly [ Synonyms: biannual, half-yearly, semiannual] | |
Occurring or payable twice each year
سال میں دوبار۔ سال میں دو بار۔ سال میں دو دفہ۔ ششماہی۔ |
1. biyearly [ Synonyms: biennially] | |
Every two years
"this festival takes places biennially";
ہر دو برس بعد۔ |
2. biyearly [ Synonyms: semiannually] | |
Twice a year
سال میں دوبار۔ |
Fertilizer Distributor and Shop Software The software is designed for a business dealing in fertilizers. Purcha ... Read more