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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: boost
1. boost [ Synonyms: encouragement]
The act of giving hope or support to someone
حوصلہ دلانا کا عمل۔
حوصلہ افزائی۔
2. boost [ Synonyms: cost increase, hike, rise]
An increase in cost
"they asked for a 10% rise in rates";
اضافہ ۔
لاگت میں اضافہ ۔
3. boost
The act of giving a push
"he gave her a boost over the fence";
Verb: boost
1. boost [ Synonyms: hike, hike up]
"The landlord hiked up the rents";
2. boost
Give a boost to; be beneficial to
"The tax cut will boost the economy";
آگے بڑھانا۔
3. boost [ Synonyms: advance, encourage, further, promote]
Contribute to the progress or growth of
"I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom";
عام کرنا۔
ترقی دینا۔
حوصلہ افزائی کرنا۔
درجہ بڑھانا۔
ہمت بڑھانا۔
4. boost [ Synonyms: advance, supercharge]
Increase or raise
"boost the voltage in an electrical circuit";
5. boost
Push or shove upward, as if from below or behind
"The singer had to be boosted onto the stage by a special contraption";

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical
ایک معیاری یا ماڈل یا پیٹرن ان مانا جاتا ہے.
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