1. boss [ Synonyms: brag] | |
Exceptionally good
"a boss hand at carpentry"; "his brag cornfield";
عمدہ۔ |
1. boss [ Synonyms: chief, foreman, gaffer, honcho] | |
A person who exercises control over workers
"if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman";
۔ نگرانی کرنے والا ۔ |
2. boss [ Synonyms: hirer] | |
A person responsible for hiring workers
"the boss hired three more men for the new job";
افسر۔ کرائے پر دوسروں کو رکھنے والا۔ |
3. boss | |
A person who exercises control and makes decisions
"he is his own boss now";
حکم چلا نے والا۔ |
4. boss [ Synonyms: party boss, political boss] | |
A leader in a political party who controls votes and dictates appointments
"party bosses have a reputation for corruption";
قائد۔ |
5. boss [ Synonyms: knob] | |
A circular rounded projection or protuberance
لٹو نما گول۔ |
1. boss [ Synonyms: emboss, stamp] | |
Raise in a relief
"embossed stationery";
مہر زدہ کرنا ، کندہ کاری کرنا ، کندہ کرنا ، منبت کرنا ، بیل بوٹے کرنا ، گُل کاری کرنا ،۔ |
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