1. button | |
A round fastener sewn to shirts and coats etc to fit through buttonholes
2. button [ Synonyms: push, push button] | |
An electrical switch operated by pressing
"the elevator was operated by push buttons"; "the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk";
3. button | |
Any of various plant parts that resemble buttons
4. button | |
A round flat badge displaying information and suitable for pinning onto a garment
"they passed out campaign buttons for their candidate";
5. button [ Synonyms: clit, clitoris] | |
A female sexual organ homologous to the penis
عورتوں کا جنسی عضومردوں کے عضو تناسل جیسا۔۔ |
6. button [ Synonyms: release] | |
A device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism
7. button | |
Any artifact that resembles a button
1. button | |
Provide with buttons
"button a shirt";
کلی۔ بٹن۔ |
2. button | |
Fasten with buttons
"button the dress";
کپڑوں ميں لگنے والا تکمہ۔ |
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