1. cable [ Synonyms: cablegram, overseas telegram] | |
A telegram sent abroad
2. cable [ Synonyms: line, transmission line] | |
A conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
تار۔ |
3. cable | |
A very strong thick rope made of twisted hemp or steel wire
موٹی رسی۔ |
4. cable [ Synonyms: cable's length, cable length] | |
A nautical unit of depth
5. cable [ Synonyms: cable television] | |
Television that is transmitted over cable directly to the receiver
6. cable [ Synonyms: cable system, cable television, cable television service] | |
A television system that transmits over cables
1. cable [ Synonyms: telegraph, wire] | |
Send cables, wires, or telegrams
2. cable | |
Fasten with a cable
"cable trees";
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