1. convulse | |
Make someone convulse with laughter
"The comedian convulsed the crowd";
ہنسانا۔ |
2. convulse | |
Be overcome with laughter
ہنسنا۔ |
3. convulse [ Synonyms: jactitate, slash, thrash, thrash about, thresh, thresh about, toss] | |
Move or stir about violently
"The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed";
تڑپنا۔ |
4. convulse | |
Shake uncontrollably
"earthquakes convulsed the countryside";
ہلانا۔ |
5. convulse | |
Cause to contract
"The spasm convulses her facial muscles";
6. convulse | |
Contract involuntarily, as in a spasm
"The muscles in her face convulsed";
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