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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: thrash
1. thrash
A swimming kick used while treading water
Verb: thrash
1. thrash [ Synonyms: flail, lam, thresh]
Give a thrashing to; beat hard
زود و کوب کرنا۔
مار لگانا۔
کس کے مارنا۔
2. thrash [ Synonyms: convulse, jactitate, slash, thrash about, thresh, thresh about, toss]
Move or stir about violently
"The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed";
3. thrash [ Synonyms: mosh, slam, slam dance]
Dance the slam dance
4. thrash
Move data into and out of core rather than performing useful computation
"The system is thrashing again!";
5. thrash [ Synonyms: thresh]
Beat the seeds out of a grain
خوشے سے دانے نکالنا۔
6. thrash [ Synonyms: bat, clobber, cream, drub, lick]
Beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight
"We licked the other team on Sunday!";
بری طرح شکست دینا۔
بری طرح ہرانا۔
مات دینا۔

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- beam used to support floors or roofs
شہتیر,ایک دیوار سے دوسری دیوار پر رکھے جانے والے بیم
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