1. bat [ Synonyms: chiropteran] | |
Nocturnal mouselike mammal with forelimbs modified to form membranous wings and anatomical adaptations for echolocation by which they navigate
چمگادڑ۔ |
2. bat [ Synonyms: at-bat] | |
(baseball) a turn trying to get a hit
"he was at bat when it happened"; "he got four hits in four at-bats";
3. bat [ Synonyms: squash racket, squash racquet] | |
A small racket with a long handle used for playing squash
4. bat [ Synonyms: cricket bat] | |
The club used in playing cricket
"a cricket bat has a narrow handle and a broad flat end for hitting";
بلا۔ |
5. bat | |
A club used for hitting a ball in various games
1. bat | |
Strike with, or as if with a baseball bat
"bat the ball";
بلے سے مارنا۔ |
2. bat [ Synonyms: flutter] | |
Wink briefly
"bat one's eyelids";
3. bat | |
Have a turn at bat
"Jones bats first, followed by Martinez";
4. bat | |
Use a bat
"Who's batting?";
5. bat [ Synonyms: clobber, cream, drub, lick, thrash] | |
Beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight
"We licked the other team on Sunday!";
بری طرح شکست دینا۔ بری طرح ہرانا۔ مات دینا۔ |
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