1. crush [ Synonyms: crushed leather] | |
Leather that has had its grain pattern accentuated
2. crush [ Synonyms: jam, press] | |
A dense crowd of people
ہجوم۔ |
3. crush [ Synonyms: calf love, infatuation, puppy love] | |
Temporary love of an adolescent
کم عمری کی عارضی محبت۔ |
4. crush [ Synonyms: compaction, crunch] | |
The act of crushing
عمل بستگی۔ تراکم۔ |
1. crush [ Synonyms: mash, squash, squeeze, squelch] | |
To compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition
"crush an aluminum can"; "squeeze a lemon";
نچوڑنا۔ مجبور کرنا ۔ دبانا۔ کچلنا۔ دھکم دھکا۔ |
2. crush [ Synonyms: beat, beat out, shell, trounce, vanquish] | |
Come out better in a competition, race, or conflict
"Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game";
غالب آجانا۔ شکست دینا۔ ہرا دینا۔ |
3. crush | |
Break into small pieces
"The car crushed the toy";
ٹکڑے کرنا۔ |
4. crush [ Synonyms: smash] | |
Humiliate or depress completely
"She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation"; "The death of her son smashed her";
غمگین کرنا۔ افسردہ کرنا۔ |
5. crush [ Synonyms: jam] | |
Crush or bruise
"jam a toe";
6. crush [ Synonyms: break down] | |
Make ineffective
"Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination";
غیر موثر کرنا۔ |
7. crush | |
Become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure
"The plastic bottle crushed against the wall";
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