1. fall apart [ Synonyms: break, bust, wear, wear out] | |
Go to pieces
"The lawn mower finally broke"; "The gears wore out"; "The old chair finally fell apart completely";
ٹوٹ جانا
۔ ٹوٹ کر بکھر جانا ۔ |
2. fall apart [ Synonyms: crumble] | |
Break or fall apart into fragments
"The cookies crumbled"; "The Sphinx is crumbling";
چورا چورا کردینا۔ چورا چورا ہوجانا ۔ |
3. fall apart [ Synonyms: break, come apart, separate, split up] | |
Become separated into pieces or fragments
"The figurine broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart";
ٹوٹنا۔ ٹکڑے ہوجانا۔ |
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