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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
grind Urdu meaning
Verb Forms: (grind, ground,ground)

Noun: grind
1. grind [ Synonyms: dweeb, nerd, swot, wonk]
An insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious
ایک بورنگ پڑھاکو یا سماجی طور پر نااہل شخص۔
2. grind
The grade of particle fineness to which a substance is ground
"a coarse grind of coffee";
3. grind [ Synonyms: donkeywork, drudgery, plodding]
Hard monotonous routine work
محنت و مشقت۔
4. grind [ Synonyms: mill, pulverisation, pulverization]
The act of grinding to a powder or dust
سفوف پذیری۔
Verb: grind
1. grind [ Synonyms: cranch, craunch, crunch]
Press or grind with a crushing noise
2. grind [ Synonyms: grate]
Make a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together
"grate one's teeth in anger";
رگڑ کر ہموار کرنا۔
پیسنا کی آواز پیدا ہونا۔
3. grind [ Synonyms: dig, drudge, fag, labor, labour, moil, toil, travail]
Work hard
"She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long";
محنت کرنا ۔
4. grind [ Synonyms: bray, comminute, crunch, mash]
Reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading
"grind the spices in a mortar"; "mash the garlic";
ٹکڑے ٹکڑے کر دینا۔
5. grind
Created by grinding
"grind designs into the glass bowl";
6. grind
Shape or form by grinding
"grind lenses for glasses and cameras";

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March 27, 2025
- a regular customer
روز کا گاہک ,پکا گاہک
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