1. chew [ Synonyms: chaw, cud, plug, quid, wad] | |
A wad of something chewable as tobacco
نسوار۔ چبانے یا منہ میں رکھ لی جانے والی کوئی چیز جیسے تمباکو۔ |
2. chew [ Synonyms: chewing, manduction, mastication] | |
Biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow
چبانے کا عمل۔ |
1. chew [ Synonyms: jaw, manducate, masticate] | |
Chew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth
"He jawed his bubble gum"; "Chew your food and don't swallow it!"; "The cows were masticating the grass";
جبڑے سے چبانا۔ چبانا۔ |
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