1. immobilize [ Synonyms: immobilise] | |
Hold as reserve or withdraw from circulation; of capital
2. immobilize [ Synonyms: immobilise, pin, trap] | |
To hold fast or prevent from moving
"The child was pinned under the fallen tree";
روکنا۔ ساکن کرنا۔ باندھنا۔ بے حرکت کرنا۔ |
3. immobilize [ Synonyms: immobilise] | |
Make defenseless
4. immobilize [ Synonyms: immobilise] | |
Convert (assets) into fixed capital
اثاثوں کو میں بدلنا۔ |
5. immobilize [ Synonyms: block, freeze, immobilise] | |
Prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)
"Blocked funds"; "Freeze the assets of this hostile government";
منجمد کرنا۔ |
6. immobilize [ Synonyms: immobilise] | |
Cause to be unable to move
"The sudden storm immobilized the traffic";
روکنا۔ بے حرکت بنانا۔ |
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