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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: covenant
1. covenant [ Synonyms: compact, concordat]
A signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action
2. covenant
(Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return
Verb: covenant
1. covenant
Enter into a covenant
عہد کرنا۔
2. covenant
Enter into a covenant or formal agreement
"They covenanted with Judas for 30 pieces of silver"; "The nations covenanted to fight terrorism around the world";

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December 22, 2024
- confinement of a prisoner in isolation from other prisoners
تنہا,دوسروں سے الگ
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