1. crayfish [ Synonyms: langouste, rock lobster, spiny lobster] | |
Warm-water lobsters without claws; those from Australia and South Africa usually marketed as frozen tails; caught also in Florida and California
2. crayfish [ Synonyms: crawdad, crawfish, ecrevisse] | |
Tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly
جھینگا مچھلی ۔ |
3. crayfish [ Synonyms: crawdad, crawdaddy, crawfish] | |
Small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster
4. crayfish [ Synonyms: crawfish, langouste, rock lobster, sea crawfish, spiny lobster] | |
Large edible marine crustacean having a spiny carapace but lacking the large pincers of true lobsters
چٹانی جھینگا ۔ |
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