1. degenerate [ Synonyms: debauched, degraded, dissipated, dissolute, fast, libertine, profligate, riotous] | |
Unrestrained by convention or morality
"Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society"; "deplorably dissipated and degraded"; "riotous living"; "fast women";
عیاش۔ آوارہ ۔ |
1. degenerate [ Synonyms: deviant, deviate, pervert] | |
A person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
1. degenerate [ Synonyms: deteriorate, devolve, drop] | |
Grow worse
"Her condition deteriorated"; "Conditions in the slums degenerated"; "The discussion devolved into a shouting match";
بگڑنا۔ خراب ہونا۔ ذلیل۔۔ |
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