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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: delight
1. delight [ Synonyms: delectation]
A feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction
"his delight to see her was obvious to all";
2. delight [ Synonyms: joy, pleasure]
Something or someone that provides a source of happiness
"a joy to behold"; "the pleasure of his company"; "the new car is a delight";
خوشی بخش۔
خوشی دینے والی چیز۔
Verb: delight
1. delight [ Synonyms: please]
Give pleasure to or be pleasing to
"These colors please the senses"; "a pleasing sensation";
خوش کرنا۔
مسرت دینا۔
2. delight [ Synonyms: enjoy, revel]
Take delight in
"he delights in his granddaughter";
بہت زیادہ خوش۔
مسرور ہونا۔
3. delight [ Synonyms: enchant, enrapture, enthral, enthrall, ravish, transport]
Hold spellbound
شیفتہ کرن۔
غلام بنانا۔
موہ لینا ۔
فریفتہ کرنا۔

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December 22, 2024
- make revolution
بغاوت کرنا
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