1. disappear [ Synonyms: go away, vanish] | |
Get lost, as without warning or explanation
"He disappeared without a trace";
بغیر بتائے غائب ہونا۔ معدوم ہونا۔ نظروں سے اوجھل ہو جانا۔ |
2. disappear [ Synonyms: go away, vanish] | |
Become invisible or unnoticeable
"The effect vanished when day broke";
غائب ہونا۔ نظروں سے غائب ہونا۔ نظروں سے اوجھل ہو جانا۔ |
3. disappear [ Synonyms: vanish] | |
Cease to exist
"An entire civilization vanished";
4. disappear [ Synonyms: evaporate, melt] | |
Become less intense and fade away gradually
"her resistance melted under his charm"; "her hopes evaporated after years of waiting for her fiance";
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