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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: evaporate
1. evaporate [ Synonyms: vaporise, vaporize]
Lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue
"evaporate milk";
بخارات بن کر خارج ہونا۔
2. evaporate [ Synonyms: vaporise]
Cause to change into a vapor
"The chemist evaporated the water";
بخارات بن جانا۔
3. evaporate [ Synonyms: vaporise]
Change into a vapor
"The water evaporated in front of our eyes";
4. evaporate [ Synonyms: disappear, melt]
Become less intense and fade away gradually
"her resistance melted under his charm"; "her hopes evaporated after years of waiting for her fiance";

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