1. dismay [ Synonyms: discouragement, disheartenment] | |
The feeling of despair in the face of obstacles
مایوسی۔ ناامیدی ۔ |
2. dismay [ Synonyms: alarm, consternation] | |
Fear resulting from the awareness of danger
سراسیمگی۔ خطرے سے ڈرانا۔ خطرے کی اطلاع پر خوف۔ اضطراب۔ |
1. dismay [ Synonyms: alarm, appal, appall, horrify] | |
Fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised
"I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview"; "The news of the executions horrified us";
خوفزدہ کرنا۔ خوف زدہ ہونا۔ ہولانا۔ |
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