1. dispute [ Synonyms: conflict, difference, difference of opinion] | |
A disagreement or argument about something important
"he had a dispute with his wife"; "there were irreconcilable differences"; "the familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats";
تنازع۔ تکرار۔ اختلاف رائے۔ |
2. dispute [ Synonyms: contravention] | |
Coming into conflict with
مخاصمت۔ |
1. dispute [ Synonyms: challenge, gainsay] | |
Take exception to
"She challenged his claims";
2. dispute [ Synonyms: altercate, argufy, quarrel, scrap] | |
Have a disagreement over something
"We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America"; "These two fellows are always scrapping over something";
بحث کرنا۔ جھگڑا۔ جھگڑنا۔ اعتراض۔ اختلاف راۓ ہونا۔ الجھنا۔ |
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