1. duplicate | |
Identically copied from an original
"a duplicate key";
2. duplicate [ Synonyms: matching, twin, twinned] | |
Being two identical
1. duplicate [ Synonyms: extra] | |
Something additional of the same kind
"he always carried extras in case of an emergency";
2. duplicate [ Synonyms: duplication] | |
A copy that corresponds to an original exactly
"he made a duplicate for the files";
نقل بنانا۔ کاپی تیار کرنا۔ |
1. duplicate [ Synonyms: double, reduplicate, repeat, replicate] | |
Make or do or perform again
"He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick";
دہرانا۔ پھر سے دہرانا۔ |
2. duplicate [ Synonyms: parallel, twin] | |
Duplicate or match
"The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse";
3. duplicate | |
Make a duplicate or duplicates of
"Could you please duplicate this letter for me?";
4. duplicate [ Synonyms: double] | |
Increase twofold
"The population doubled within 50 years";
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