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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: familiar
1. familiar [ Synonyms: intimate]
Having mutual interests or affections; of established friendship
"on familiar terms"; "pretending she is on an intimate footing with those she slanders";
2. familiar
Well known or easily recognized
"a familiar figure"; "familiar songs"; "familiar guests";
3. familiar
Within normal everyday experience; common and ordinary; not strange
"familiar ordinary objects found in every home"; "a familiar everyday scene"; "a familiar excuse"; "a day like any other filled with familiar duties and experiences";
Noun: familiar
1. familiar
A person attached to the household of a high official (as a pope or bishop) who renders service in return for support
2. familiar [ Synonyms: associate, companion, comrade, fellow]
A friend who is frequently in the company of another
"drinking companions"; "comrades in arms";
3. familiar [ Synonyms: familiar spirit]
A spirit (usually in animal form) that acts as an assistant to a witch or wizard

Word of the day

March 26, 2025
- a piece broken off or cut off of something else
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