1. flame [ Synonyms: fire, flaming] | |
The process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
"fire was one of our ancestors' first discoveries";
شعلہ۔ بھڑکتا شعلہ۔ |
1. flame [ Synonyms: flare] | |
Shine with a sudden light
"The night sky flared with the massive bombardment";
روشنی سے چمکنا۔ روشن ہونا۔ بھڑک اٹھنا۔ |
2. flame | |
Be in flames or aflame
"The sky seemed to flame in the Hawaiian sunset";
3. flame | |
Criticize harshly, usually via an electronic medium
"the person who posted an inflammatory message got flamed";
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