1. flop [ Synonyms: floating-point operation] | |
An arithmetic operation performed on floating-point numbers
"this computer can perform a million flops per second";
2. flop [ Synonyms: dud, washout] | |
Someone who is unsuccessful
ناکام شخص
۔ ناکام ہونے والا ۔ ناکام شخص ۔ |
3. flop [ Synonyms: bust, fizzle] | |
A complete failure
"the play was a dismal flop";
ناکامی۔ ناکام ہو نا۔ |
4. flop [ Synonyms: collapse] | |
The act of throwing yourself down
"he landed on the bed with a great flop";
گرانا۔ |
1. flop | |
Fall loosely
"He flopped into a chair";
2. flop | |
Fall suddenly and abruptly
اچانک گرنا۔ |
3. flop [ Synonyms: fall flat, fall through, founder] | |
Fail utterly; collapse
"The project foundered";
بے نتیجہ رہنا۔ ناکام رہنا۔ |
1. flop | |
With a flopping sound
"he tumbled flop into the mud";
2. flop [ Synonyms: right] | |
"he fell flop on his face";
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