1. generate [ Synonyms: bring forth] | |
Bring into existence
"The new manager generated a lot of problems"; "The computer bug generated chaos in the office"; "The computer generated this image"; "The earthquake generated a tsunami";
پیدا کرنا۔ وجود میں لانا۔ |
2. generate [ Synonyms: give, render, return, yield] | |
Give or supply
"The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family";
دینا۔ |
3. generate | |
Produce (energy)
"We can't generate enough power for the entire city"; "The hydroelectric plant needs to generate more electricity";
پیدا کرنا۔ |
4. generate [ Synonyms: beget, bring forth, engender, father, get, mother, sire] | |
Make (offspring) by reproduction
"Abraham begot Isaac"; "John fathered four daughters";
جنسی عمل کے ذریعےبچوں کو جنم دینا۔ |
Grain Market (Galla Mandi) Software This software is designed to suit the specific calculations and deduct ... Read more