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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: headlong
1. headlong [ Synonyms: hasty]
Excessively quick
"made a hasty exit"; "a headlong rush to sell";
جلد باز۔
جلد بازی سے۔
2. headlong [ Synonyms: headfirst]
With the head foremost
"a headfirst plunge down the stairs"; "a headlong dive into the pool";
سر کے بل۔
Adverb: headlong
1. headlong [ Synonyms: headfirst]
With the head foremost
"the runner slid headlong into third base";
2. headlong [ Synonyms: precipitately]
At breakneck speed
"burst headlong through the gate";
3. headlong [ Synonyms: rashly]
In a hasty and foolhardy manner
"he fell headlong in love with his cousin";
بے سوچے سمجھے ۔
جلد بازی سے ۔

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