1. horse [ Synonyms: equus caballus] | |
Solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
2. horse [ Synonyms: gymnastic horse] | |
A padded gymnastic apparatus on legs
3. horse [ Synonyms: cavalry, horse cavalry] | |
Troops trained to fight on horseback
"500 horse led the attack";
گھڑسوار فوج۔ |
4. horse [ Synonyms: buck, sawbuck, sawhorse] | |
A framework for holding wood that is being sawed
آرا گہوڑی۔ اس لکڑی کو پکڑنے کا چوکھٹا جسے آرے سے چیرا جا رہا ہو۔ |
5. horse [ Synonyms: knight] | |
A chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)
1. horse | |
Provide with a horse or horses
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