1. invalid | |
No longer valid
"the license is invalid";
2. invalid | |
Having no cogency or legal force
"invalid reasoning"; "an invalid driver's license";
ناجائز۔ |
1. invalid [ Synonyms: shut-in] | |
Someone who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or injury
بیماری شخص۔ معزور شخص۔ |
1. invalid | |
Force to retire, remove from active duty, as of firemen
2. invalid [ Synonyms: disable, handicap, incapacitate] | |
Injure permanently
"He was disabled in a car accident";
معذور۔ معزور ہونا۔ معزور ہونا۔ مکمل اپاہج ہونا۔ |
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