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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: irritation
1. irritation [ Synonyms: annoyance, botheration, vexation]
The psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
2. irritation [ Synonyms: pique, temper]
A sudden outburst of anger
"his temper sparked like damp firewood";
اچانک غصے میں آنا۔
3. irritation
(pathology) abnormal sensitivity to stimulation
"any food produced irritation of the stomach";
4. irritation [ Synonyms: excitation, innervation]
The neural or electrical arousal of an organ or muscle or gland
اعصاب کے ذریعے کِسی حصّہ کو اعصابی تقویّت پہنچانے کا عمل ۔
5. irritation [ Synonyms: discomfort, soreness]
An uncomfortable feeling of mental painfulness or distress
تکلیف میں ہونا۔
آرام نہ ہونا۔
6. irritation [ Synonyms: aggravation, provocation]
Unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment
7. irritation [ Synonyms: annoyance, annoying, vexation]
The act of troubling or annoying someone
تکلیف دینے کا عمل۔

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