1. sore [ Synonyms: raw, sensitive, tender] | |
"the tender spot on his jaw";
تکلیف دہ۔ حساس۔ دکھتا ہوا۔ |
2. sore [ Synonyms: afflictive, painful] | |
Causing misery or pain or distress
"it was a sore trial to him"; "the painful process of growing up";
درد بھرا۔ درد والا۔ درد ناک۔ دکھنے والا۔ |
3. sore [ Synonyms: huffy, mad] | |
Roused to anger
"stayed huffy a good while"; "she gets mad when you wake her up so early"; "mad at his friend"; "sore over a remark";
دیوانہ۔ پاگل۔ |
1. sore | |
An open skin infection
جلدی مرض۔ دکھنے والا۔ |
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